Agronomic Consulting
The NINEMIRE GROUP delivers high-impact consulting to companies whose success is tied to the health of their turfgrass. The NINEMIRE GROUP draws upon years of industry experience and innovative tools to develop solutions to help combat the agronomic problems facing golf course managers worldwide. With The NINEMIRE GROUP, the grass really is greener.
Services Include:
- Expert testing and analysis of soils, waters and plant tissues
- Rigorous evaluation of test results
- Personalized, easy to understand consulting
- Accurate forecasting of turf health based upon scientific data
- Historical and advanced trend charting of soil nutrition and irrigation suitability
- Actionable and insightful nutrition plans for the healthiest turf
Online Analytical Tools
To experience some of our custom advanced online tools, use the following credentials in the Client Login box:
Username: New Client
Password: New Client
Ninemire clients can gain access to agronomic reports for each course serviced by signing in.